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CapreLife Global Reviews Leadership & Listening

CapreLife Global Reviews Leadership & Listening

There is an art in the way we listen. All leaders and business persons should practice this characteristic. It will tremendously help in the long run towards achieving your goals and dreams. According to Craig Impelman’s article in Success Magazine, “The Importance of Listening in Leadership” Impelman says, “A key element in the art of listening is not to be thinking about what you’re going to say while the other person is talking. Quieting your thoughts and really hearing the other person with an open mind sometimes requires a conscious effort.” “Being able to listen effectively means that you’re willing to be active with your mind. It can be comfortable just listening but genuinely listening is an art that requires us to be fully aware mentally and emotionally,’ says Lisa Capre, managing director of CapreLife Global.

According to Impelman, being a good listener is only half of the equation. By understanding that you’re confident enough to speak up and voice opinions means that you’ve listened and you value what the person in front of you is saying. At CapreLife Global, we believe that listening is crucial because it helps us establish a flow of communication and tactic. Studies show that when people or leaders listen to those that are around them, they feel more valued and appreciated. There is an endless flow of positivity when a leader hears and becomes someone that their team can turn to.

“Research shows that on average we retain about 20-25% of what we hear, this is because we lack listening abilities. However, to be a good listener the simplest and most effective thing we can do is create momentum in our mindset and mentality,” says Lisa Capre of CapreLife Global. Being assured by the fact that we can listen and maintain quality means that we’re understanding each other and being considerate as leaders towards others.






CapreLife Global Reviews The Likelihood of Success

CapreLife Global Reviews The Likelihood of Success

There’s one thing that is extremely important to consider when one is in the entrepreneurial and business world and CapreLife Global finds this to be vital for future success. This is knowing what to do and when to do it while watching out for your own success along the way. “I always tell my team that no matter what you do, make sure you change something you don’t like. Make sure that if you’re struggling, find another way to make it better. If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. One thing I look for in entrepreneurs is the belief in the inevitability of their success,” says Lisa Capre of CapreLife Global.

At CapreLife Global, we believe in the inevitability of success. Entrepreneurs have the ability to succeed no matter what is put in their way. The only thing that stands in the way is their attitude. “Having a good attitude balances and opens up pathways that were not there before. Due to the fact that you have an open mind and are optimistic about your chances, you will lead in that way as well,” says Lisa Capre of CapreLife Global. Our representatives have come up with a few quotes we believe will help you feel more positive and grasp your goals, as well as lead you to success!


“I long to accomplish a great and noble tasks, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker.” –Helen Keller

“It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.” — Bill Gates

”Genius is 1 percent inspiration, and 99 percent perspiration.” — Thomas Edison

“The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.” Bruce Lee

“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” — Vince Lombardi


CapreLife Global Reviews The Value of Entry-Level Roles for New Graduates

CapreLife Global Reviews The Value of Entry-Level Roles for New Graduates

As graduates embark on their new journey, they will receive a massive amount of recommendations on what to do with their next step. It can be quite overwhelming because they will be pushed in many different directions. At CapreLife Global, we believe that the way in which an individual starts their journey will make or break them. Many graduates make the mistake of going after jobs that require immense experience, and they hope to somehow break into their desired field. “The important tool towards developing yourself as a graduate is starting from an entry level role or internship,” mentions Lisa Capre, Managing Director of CapreLife Global. Entry Level roles are those that are the easiest to get into. Businesses or companies looking for individuals want to be able to train them into working with them. It’s important because you’d get the job based on no experience. However, once you’re in an entry-level role, you’re taking a chance by gaining experience, and the company is taking a chance by giving you a shot.

Landing an entry-level role as soon as you graduate is important because the sooner you start, the better for your progress in the long run. The first few years after graduation are the years you use to build yourself and see what you can do. By leaving things behind you will be behind the competition. “Think of everything in the world as a competition, your job is to be better than the individual next to you, you’re only going to do this by establishing yourself in a role first,” says Lisa Capre of CapreLife Global. At CapreLife Global our previous graduates have excelled prominently and successfully. We make sure to take care of each individual by training them and making sure they are striving for success.

Our most crucial advice would be not to put anything off, if you find an entry level job you’re interested in and know that it will help you build your skills, apply for it, and land it. It’s extremely important to understand this because you will be able to mold yourself into wherever you want to go. It’ll also help you narrow down if a specific job or field is right for you or not. CapreLife Global knows that it can be difficult to find something you’re passionate about, however just building yourself through beginning roles really does pave the way for your success. Rather than searching for places you have low chances in, try for something you can achieve and learn things on the way as well! What you do with your time is truly what either makes or breaks you and we know the importance of this, do you?


CapreLife Global Shares Confidence Increasing Tactics

CapreLife Global Shares Confidence Increasing Tactics

One of the most significant qualities an individual can possess is confidence. Believing in your abilities and knowing that you’re capable of the work you’re putting forward will help you to make whatever you want happen. According to fascinating research and a study that was done, confidence is tightly regulated with success. The idea is that you believe in your abilities and it makes you push through barriers to reach what you want. “Confidence also lets the person in front of you know that you’re capable of certain tasks and that you will do so with competence,” says Lisa Capre, managing director of CapreLife Global.

Confidence does not build up overnight. It takes specific tactics and habits to create this type of quality within a person. “What we believe to be true about confidence is that an individual seeking to be more confident has to surround himself/herself with like-minded, confident people. In order to learn and develop a certain confident persona, hanging around people that are positive and confident helps us to latch on to that as well,” says Lisa Capre of CapreLife Global. Another tactic is to always to be consistent. No matter what you do make sure you’re spending time on increasing your confidence to see the results. Know that you’re capable of completing a task to your best and believe that time needs to be put in for results to show.  

At CapreLife Global we believe that anyone can become more confident despite what their starting point is. It all starts with understanding that you can develop an understanding and competence to strive for the best. Taking some steps and working on yourself will help you improve yourself to be a person of confidence. This is a skillset, like many others that will be acquired with time and practice.






CapreLife Global Notes The Value of Pursuing Your Goals After Graduation

Nora Roberts had once said, “If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.” At CapreLife Global, we believe that this statement is incredibly important to those about to start a new journey. As graduation season approaches and young students are thinking of what to do with their lives. “It’s important to make the first move towards what you desire the most,” mentions Lisa Capre, Managing Director of CapreLife Global. Many people will tell you that you have time and not to worry about the future, but it’s in your hands to control what you become for your future. At CapreLife Global we believe time is essential and by wasting it or not using it wisely, it will not get any individual far in life. We’d like to offer some tips or advice to those about to venture out into the new world and secure that essential new job role.

Always utilize your education and keep up with it. You may have heard this numerous times, but continually learning and knowing you’re never really done with obtaining new knowledge is what sets you apart. Life after graduation does not mean ending your education, or you’re done. It means it’s the beginning to make yourself even better with obtaining real-world skills and creating yourself into someone you see is worthy of success. “Another important but cliche type of tip would be patience. Younger individuals find it frustrating when they don’t get their dream job right away. It’s important to realize that it’s extremely tough out there in the job market. Work on what you can achieve realistically rather than reaching for your desired job with the desired salary right away,” says Lisa Capre of CapreLife Global. This means you need to work your way up, there’s a certain greatness in patiently working upward to your dream and those are the sweetest victories.

Last but not least, when you decide to give a new workplace, a chance do your utmost to be the best. describes this as, “Win big and win some.” They write, “Before you join the company, while you have a clean slate, figure out what the “win big” opportunity may be if you dedicate your working years to one company. More importantly, figure out how this position, time and experience will help you if you leave the company. Putting effort into your “pre-launch” can make your first gig a success that you can carry on for the rest of your career.” This is an important tip we stand by at CapreLife Global. It’s essential to action towards your goals after graduation. This is what sets you apart and keeps you competitive in the job field.





CapreLife Global Discusses Goal Setting Factors

CapreLife Global Discusses Goal Setting Factors

At CapreLife Global we know that healthy goal setting habits make or break our route towards anything we want to reach. All of our representatives at CapreLife Global see the importance of goals and the value they hold in the long run. It’s the development that we believe in. Many people tend to congratulate people based off the ending and victory. But it’s the method, structure, and path that will take you towards success. “Goal setting is important because not only is it beneficial in the long run, but it helps provide focus. Goals, in general, help you expand your horizon and go beyond what you ever thought was possible,” says Lisa Capre of CapreLife Global. Pushing the barriers of how you perceive things and reaching the impossible means that you’re willing to utilize your potential to the maximum.

Make Your Goals Reachable and Realistic

One of the most negative things people do is overestimate their ability and squeeze a goal into a time limit. Depending on the type of goal it is, it can take either a week or a year. You can’t force something that will only get better with time. Always have a realistic perception and action towards a goal. For example, losing 1 pound in 1-2 weeks, that’s something that is possible. It will take time to lose 50 lbs, but it’ll be worth it in the long run.

Evaluate and Go Over

Give your goals a refresher. From time to time, we often forget why we make our goals. Evaluating them puts our goals into perspective, as well as helping us to clear our mindset towards them. This is the only way to tell how everything is going for you. If you feel like you lack in some areas along this route, you can change it. That’s what evaluation is for. “It gives objective, and it’s a way to look at your trials and victories in life,” says Lisa Capre of CapreLife Global.


Hold yourself accountable when it comes to your goals and dreams. From time to time, let someone you trust know how your target is doing. If you had a plan to finish something by the end of this week, then make sure you finish it. Let yourself or someone you know well to hold you accountable and believe in your abilities as much as you do.
CapreLife Global Discusses Ways to Be Inspired

CapreLife Global Discusses Ways to Be Inspired

“As leaders and business entrepreneurs, we create our own creative factors that lead to development and success. Sometimes we work extremely hard, and we often face adversities because of negative situations. This is when creativity is needed the most, it happens when an individual is inspired,” says Lisa Capre, managing director of CapreLife Global. No matter what happens or what life throws your way, understand that it is temporary. Any lapse or error is always temporary with the ability to be altered. Our minds are often wired to think that adverse situations have no light. This is the wrong mentality, to cultivate motivation and positivity, it’s essential to inspire yourself continually. What do you love, what do you read, what’s your favorite place — visit that and do those things that help you grow so that you can channel that energy into work and your professional life.  “With the right amount of balance, we can create our own inspiration and build our efforts through that,” says Lisa Capre of CapreLife Global. Once inspiration strikes, it’s hard to miss it.

The first thing to do when you’re trying to get inspired and get out of a rut is to remove whatever is causing bad energy for you. If you work at a job that you feel mediocre, and you have not received any kind of positive feedback for your efforts. That’s something that is mainly drawing your inspiration away. Inspiration comes from being motivated to accomplish something. It is something that thrills you and makes you want to do something. Another great way to gain inspiration is by recognizing what makes you flow into a vibe. What are you passionate about, and what is the one thing that makes you get up in the morning? “Use these tools and motives as a drive to help you understand what you want,” says Lisa Capre of CapreLife Global.

Last but not least, to gain inspiration similar to anything else, hard work is essential. Once you’re inspired make sure that you’re putting in the effort to eventually get what you want. If you have an idea? Research shows that individuals/humans are the most positive when they are productive. Use that as a guide to help you and start by taking care of yourself and your goals. This is the most critical factor in working hard and achieving your goals. Believe in your goals and believe that you can be creative to fix anything that comes your way. It is all in your mindset.



CapreLife Global Shares 3 Ways to Bounce Back From Adversities

CapreLife Global Shares 3 Ways to Bounce Back From Adversities

We all go through some form of difficulties in life. At CapreLife Global, we know that adversities break an individual down. To lose something so cherished or have it destroyed in natural disasters, for example, is stressful and sad. We’re here to remind and share that you will always bounce back because these things can be fixed or rebuilt. It’s just your mindset that will need help your recovery afterward,” says Lisa Capre, managing director of CapreLife Global. Sometimes things do not go as planned, but it’s always important to remember that with the right amount of determination, you can prevail.

As human beings, we need the ability to go with the flow rather than go against it and cause ourselves harm. By understanding this, life will go a tad bit better than planned and you’ll be able to bounce back strongly. “Our representatives at CapreLife Global know that it takes a lot of mental effort to deal with hardships and disappointments. Here are some ways to help you get back up after facing adversities.

Positive Words

Your words mean a lot. Words hit harder than actions most times. Whatever you say to yourself, you make yourself believe. “If you say negative things, then negativity will linger in your mind and if you lean towards positivity than positivity will linger on your mind,” says Lisa Capre of CapreLife Global. Have positive talks with yourself. Maintain a happy mantra when you see that you’re being hit with a negative situation.

Support System

Talk to friends and family during hard times. Studies show that when you confide in someone stress leans off you because you don’t feel as alone in the world. “This tactic helps us cope better with problems, talking about psychological aspects of adversities, how they make you feel and act,” says Lisa Capre of CapreLife Global.

Don’t let Your Problems Define Who You Are

Last but not least, no one likes failure, but setbacks do shape us into better human beings. When life gives you rotten apples, just be vigilant about not letting life put you down.

CapreLife Global Shares The Importance of Self-Love and Confidence

CapreLife Global Shares The Importance of Self-Love and Confidence

Valentines Day was just a few days ago, and we know how important that is for couples and romantics. The most prominent assumption that revolves around Valentine’s Day is the fact that couples and people in love should be the only ones that enjoy it. However, that is not necessarily true. “At CapreLife Global, we believe that Valentine Day is also for those that want to do activities for themselves. Whether it may be taking yourself out to dinner with friends, alone or just buying yourself something really nice. Real love and confidence begins with yourself and you alone,” says Lisa Capre, managing director of CapreLife Global.

According to Success Magazine’s article on Self-Love, the writer Cecilia Mels writes about few tips that’ll help develop the characteristics of self-love: “Carve out time for yourself. It can be as simple as a warm bath before bed or 15 minutes to read your favorite book every morning. You can’t expect to love anyone else if you don’t love yourself first. Be vulnerable. Opening yourself up to love and a true connection is difficult. We spend years, even decades, building walls against the possibility of pain. Set aside time to connect with your partner or close friend by reading a page from your journal or sharing past memories. Let go of control. Attempting to control our lives is not only ineffective, it’s also our ego proclaiming that we don’t need help. Practice daily control-releasing exercises. For example, the next time you’re running late for a meeting and everything seems to be going wrong, stop, take a deep breath and release your perceived control.”

“These are just some of the ways to help develop self-love and confidence. It’s an important key factor that develops happiness from within and not through the means of other individuals,” says Lisa Capre of CapreLife Global. We’re always in tune with our well being at CapreLife Global, and know that confidence and success only happen when we allow it happen for us through our mindset and self-understanding.




Photo by Serkan Göktay from Pexels


CapreLife Global’s December Reflection

CapreLife Global’s December Reflection

From time to time, CapreLife Global likes to look back and reflect on how far we’ve come. Whether it may be personal goals or professional ones, the evidence that you’ve made it means the world. Recently at CapreLife Global, our CEO has shared with us some of her reflections over the time. December is a month where we have one month left for the New Year, and it’s great to sit down and reevaluate, as well as feel proud of your accomplishments.


“Passionate I am about the life I live, and how each and every day I am so grateful for so many life experiences that I create on a daily basis. How stronger I become when the most challenging events are thrown my way, and how amazing it is to sit back at the end of the day/ week and realize you have become stronger again by facing those challenges and seeing the beauty within every one of them.

See December for me means life. Being a December baby, born December 22, I am so grateful for my life thus far and how I can look back and proudly say… I have no regrets. I am grateful for my friends, family and extremely grateful for every opportunity that has come my way, every challenge that has made me the person I am today building my strength to become a powerful businesswoman who will not stop until I accomplish all my life goals and successes. How I will not give up, and wake up every morning being thankful for Life! Not many of us do this, and most of us need to remember we get one opportunity to live it… so why not make the most of it.

With that being said, let’s live and love life to its absolute fullest, be proud of where we are and of our accomplishments and don’t look back at the what if’s… because we have so much more to look forward to. Let’s celebrate this festive season being grateful for where we are today…” says CEO of CapreLife Global.


Having gratitude not only keeps you humble, but it brings in room for more success and more positivity. It’s clear that those that are grateful are more happier than those that do not see anything as positive. “Reflecting on how far I have come, and how great everything has been so far leaves room for more and happiness,” says CEO of Caprelife Global.